Welcome to the world of Instagram, where every pixel matters! As an avid user, you know the pain of sacrificing the integrity of your stunning vertical photos due to cropping constraints. But fear not! Instagram has evolved, allowing the freedom to showcase your vertical masterpieces without any compromise. In this guide, we’ll embark on an enlightening journey, unveiling the secrets to post striking vertical images on Instagram –no more cropping headaches!

Why Vertical Photos on Instagram Matter

Vertical photos are the rising stars on Instagram’s horizon. They occupy more screen space, mesmerizing viewers with their larger-than-life allure. With users habitually scrolling vertically on smartphones, these photos naturally captivate attention. Embracing vertical images helps in standing out, amplifying engagement rates, and making a distinctive mark in the bustling Instagram landscape.

Vertical photos on Instagram hold a pivotal significance in today’s visual storytelling landscape. Their impact extends far beyond mere aesthetics; here’s why they matter:

  • Enhanced Engagement: Vertical images command attention. They occupy more screen real estate, captivating users as they effortlessly scroll through their feeds. The immersive experience compels viewers to linger longer on these visually expansive images, thereby boosting engagement rates;
  • Adaptation to User Behavior: In a mobile-centric world, users predominantly navigate content vertically on their devices. Vertical photos seamlessly align with this behavior, effortlessly fitting into the natural scrolling motion, enhancing user experience, and driving increased interaction;
  • Visual Dominance: The enlarged space occupied by vertical images inherently draws the eye. They stand out amidst a sea of content, ensuring that your posts capture immediate attention in a crowded feed;
  • Storytelling Potential: Vertical orientation allows for a more comprehensive storytelling canvas. It offers creators an extended palette to narrate their stories, present intricate details, and create immersive narratives that resonate deeply with the audience;
  • Distinctive Identity: Embracing vertical imagery sets one apart from the crowd. It’s an opportunity to establish a unique visual identity, allowing creators, brands, and influencers to carve a distinguished niche in the bustling Instagram landscape.

In essence, the power of vertical photos on Instagram lies in their ability to transcend limitations, captivate audiences, and elevate visual storytelling to new heights, fostering deeper connections and leaving lasting impressions.

Understanding Instagram’s Photo Size Requirements

Before diving into posting vertical photos on Instagram, it’s crucial to grasp the platform’s photo size prerequisites. Instagram mandates specific dimensions for different photo orientations: 1080 x 1080 pixels for squares, while vertical photos demand 1080 x 1350 pixels. This ensures that your vertical photo displays seamlessly without any unsolicited cropping.

Understanding Instagram’s photo size requirements is crucial for presenting your images in their best light without unwanted cropping. Instagram stipulates specific dimensions for various photo orientations:

  • Square Photos: For a square photo, the ideal size is 1080 x 1080 pixels. This square format is a classic on Instagram and maintains a balanced display within the feed;
  • Vertical Photos: Vertical images, gaining popularity, have dimensions of 1080 x 1350 pixels. This elongated format maximizes screen space, making them visually compelling and ideal for the vertical-scrolling habits of smartphone users;
  • Horizontal Photos: If opting for horizontal orientation, the recommended size is 1080 x 566 pixels. While less common, horizontal photos still have a place on Instagram and are suitable for certain types of content.

When preparing your images for Instagram, ensuring they adhere to these specific pixel dimensions prevents unexpected cropping or distortion. It guarantees that your visuals appear as intended, maximizing their impact and visual appeal on users’ feeds.

How do you get a full picture on Instagram without cropping it?

To post a full picture on Instagram without cropping it, especially for vertical or non-standard aspect ratio images, you can follow these steps:

  1. Third-Party Apps: Utilize specialized third-party apps designed to bypass Instagram’s cropping limitations. Apps like “No Crop & Square for Instagram,” “InstaSize,” or “CrocPhoto” allow you to fit your entire image within Instagram’s frame without cropping;
  2. Instagram’s “Multiple Images” Feature: Instagram’s “Multiple Images” feature lets you post several images in a single carousel post. You can divide your image into multiple sections and upload them sequentially, ensuring the entire picture is visible across the carousel;
  3. Create a White/Black Border: Add a border around your image to make it fit the required dimensions without cropping. This can be done using photo editing apps or by simply adding white or black space to the sides or top/bottom of your image;
  4. Resize and Adjust: Resize your image to fit within Instagram’s supported dimensions. You can use photo editing tools or apps to adjust the image’s size without compromising its content.

Remember, Instagram’s supported aspect ratios and dimensions might limit the full display of some images. Using creative workarounds or third-party tools can help you showcase your images without cropping while adhering to Instagram’s posting guidelines.


The visual allure of vertical photos is unmatched on Instagram’s vibrant canvas. Armed with these insights, you’re now equipped to break free from the confinements of cropping. Embrace the elegance of vertical imagery, captivate your audience, and elevate your Instagram game. Whether you opt for built-in editing tools or explore third-party apps like CrocPhoto, your Instagram feed is primed to radiate sophistication and draw in admirers. Step boldly into the realm of unbridled vertical expression—let your images speak volumes, unencumbered by cropping limitations!